
Showing posts from September, 2020

Unit 3.1 - Basic Concept of Macroeconomics - Exercise

   Exercise - Basic Concept of Macroeconomics

Unit 3.1 - Basic Concept of Macroeconomics

 Concept of Macroeconomics In the past day, the whole economic concept was taken as a single theory. But, in the modern period of time, it has been divided into two parts: microeconomics and macroeconomics.  These two concepts of economics were first introduced by Ragnar Frisch in 1933 A.D. After the publication of The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money published by J. M. Keynes in 1936 A. D., the application of macroeconomics had been taken in the history of economics. 

3. Theory of Production - Exercise

 Exercise - Theory of Production

3. Theory of Production

Concept of Production Technological transformation of input (factor input: land labor, capital, organization & non-factor input: water, electricity, raw materials) into output (finished goods & services) is known as production. In other words, production is the process of making goods to satisfy human wants. Production is also relating to the process of creating or improving utility or creation of exchange value. 

2. Theory of Consumer Behavior - Exercise

  Exercise - Theory of Consumer Behavior

Econ. 614 B - Cost Benefit Analysis

                    Semester Paper: Econ. 614 B: Cost Benefit Analysis      BASIC MEASURES OF PROJECT WORTH OF INVESTMENT  

Econ. 611 - Advanced Microeconomic Analysis

Semester Paper: (Econ. 611: Advanced Microeconomic Aanalysis) MICROECONOMIC SOLUTIONS FOR EXTERNALITIES