9. Money - Exercise


Exercise - Money

Very Short Answer Questions                                                             2 Marks

  1. What is barter system?
  2. Write any three demerits of barter system.
  3. What is money?
  4. What are the types of money?
  5. Point out any four points of importance of money.
  6. Mention the functions of money.
  7. Mention the primary and secondary functions of money.
  8. What do you mean by value of money?
  9. Mention any four characteristics of good money.
  10. Write the four assumptions of quantity theory of money.
  11. What is inflation?
  12. What are the two main causes of inflation?
  13. Write down the types of inflation.
  14. What is demand-pull inflation?
  15. What is cost-push inflation?
  16. Write the consequences of inflation.
  17. Define deflation.
  18. Write the consequences of deflation.

Short Answer Questions                                                             5 Marks

  1. What are the difficulties of barter system? Explain in brief.
  2. What is money? How it is an improvement on barter system?
  3. Give an account of evolution of money.
  4. Briefly explain the functions of money.
  5. Explain the importance of money.
  6. Explain any five features of money.
  7. State the qualities of good money.
  8. What are the different forms of money?
  9. What is metallic money? Explain its types.
  10. Explain the types of paper money.
  11. What are the primary functions of money?
  12. Explain the secondary functions of money.
  13. Give an account  of quantity theory of money.
  14. Describe the concept of inflation and deflation.
  15. Explain the concepts of demand-pull inflation and cost push inflation.
  16. What are the causes of demand-pull inflation?
  17. Explain the causes of cost-push inflation.
  18. Explain the economic consequences of inflation.
  19. What are the consequences of inflation?
  20. What is deflation? What are its causes?
  21. What are the consequences of deflation?

Long Answer Questions                                                                         10 Marks

  1. Define barter system. What are the difficulties of barter system?
  2. Define money. What are the functions of money?
  3. What is money? Explain its importance.
  4. Explain the different types or forms of money.
  5. Explain the quantity theory of money. What are its criticisms?
  6. Critically explain Fisher's quantity theory of money.
  7. What is inflation? What are its causes?
  8. What are the consequences of inflation and deflation?


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