
Showing posts from December, 2020

Unit 4.1 - Economic Growth, Development and Capital Formation

CONCEPT OF ECONOMIC GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT Concept of Economic Growth Economic growth is defined as the sustained annual increase in productive capacity of an economy over time. It is quantitative term as it represents quantitative increase in the final output (GDP, GNP, NNP, PCI) of goods and services in an economy over time.  It can be measured in both nominal and real values. Traditionally, aggregate economic growth is measured in terms of gross national product (GNP) or gross domestic product (GDP). World Bank uses GNP as indicators of measuring economic growth. However, GDP is considered as one best measuring indicators of economic growth.

Unit 3.3 - Money, Inflation and Deflation

Introduction In the old days, human life was not as complex as it is today. People were self-dependent because there were a few basic needs to satisfy such as food, clothes, and shelter. With the passage of time and modernization, human wants multiplied.  As a result, self-sufficiency came to an end and the process of exchange started, under which people exchanged their commodities for other required commodities. This system is called barter system and the economy is called barter economy. After a long time, because of various difficulties of barter system, money emerged as a medium to make exchange easy or avoid the difficulties of barter system.

Unit 1.5 - Factors of Production

Introduction to Factors of Production Production is creation of utility and value of goods and services. Technically it is the process of transforming input into output. For example: processing of wheat into flour, converting wood into chair etc. In both of these examples, making flour and chair creates utility. Their value is also higher than wheat and wood respectively.

Unit 1 - Basic Concepts of Economics

Introduction to Economics Economics has been taken as a most important knowledge in human life from the very beginning of human civilization. The thoughts on economics found in different eastern and western philosophies, Greek and Hindu literatures, etc. prove this fact. The term Economics has been derived from the ancient Greek word "Oeconomicus" which in economics is related to the study of household management or rules of household. Thus, economics means to manage household affairs with limited fund available in the most economic manner possible. Indeed, each individual household's success or betterment depends mainly on its ability to make wise economic decisions while being involved in different economic activities.